Телемагазин по продаже авто/|\Auto sale
Fresh Auto/|\Fresh Auto
- Клиент: Fresh Auto/|\Client: Fresh Auto:
- Направление: CREATIVE/|\Direction: CREATIVE:
- Год: 2023/|\Year: 2023:
This campaign takes place every spring in Russia and is designed to bring light to the problem of providing WWII Veterans with hearing aids. May 2020 coincided with epidemiological restrictions, increased activity of people on social media, so our first objective was to tell a new, younger audience about the campaign.
In addition to selling the badge in online stores, several national supermarket chains joined the campaign. During the advertising campaign it was important to inform customers about the option to purchase the badge.
We developed and implemented a strategy for showing an advertising video using the programmatic technology on the territory of Russia for custom segments – customers of the stores where you can actually purchase the badge.
In order to attract the attention of the young audience to the campaign, we chose Tik Tok as our platform, launching a challenge with 9 popular bloggers who filmed their videos and provided a step-by-step guide on how to order the badge in an online store.
• Development a strategy for different audience segments
• Organising a challenge with bloggers
• Video promotion using the programmatic technology
• Real-time optimization of advertising campaigns
• Organising a challenge with bloggers
• Video promotion using the programmatic technology
• Real-time optimization of advertising campaigns
The challenge on Tik Tok has accumulated 5 000 000 organic views without using paid promotion, and the KPI for the media section was fulfilled by 109% with no changes to the advertising budget.